Microsimulation & Machine Learning with Official Statistics Data

Instructors: Hanna Brenzel, Hariolf Merkle, Marco Puts, and Piet Daas


Welcome to the course “Microsimulation & Machine Learning with Official Statistics Data”! Here you can find the material for the BERD Academy flipped classroom course.

BERD Academy is part of BERD@NFDI; funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – 460037581

Course format

This is an online course. Each week you will…

📺 watch the weekly videos (~60 min),

📖 review the assigned readings,

❓ work on the (R) assignments,

👩‍🏫 discuss the material in the weekly online meeting with the instructors from destatis and Statistics Netherlands, and fellow course participants (~60 min).

The videos and literature of the corresponding unit will be unlocked at least one week before the weekly meeting.

Basic R knowledge is required.

Online Meetings

  • Thursday, November 02, 2023, 05:00 PM – 06:00 PM CET

  • Thursday, November 09, 2023, 05:00 PM – 06:00 PM CET

  • Thursday, November 16, 2023: NO MEETING

  • Thursday, November 23, 2023, 05:00 PM – 06:00 PM CET

  • Thursday, November 30, 2023, 05:00 PM – 06:00 PM CET